The exhibition "Flow on the Edge" exhibited THELí, a natural modern materials brand, and its explorations around the concept of "edges." The exhibition focuses on the material properties of ‘stone’ and ‘wood’, corresponding to the brand's LíMEWASH and LíNSEEDYE products. Creative group 4aC Design captures the materials' spontaneous interactions in both personal and public spaces. The exhibition opened on June.29th and run till July.14th.
Septieme正在空间展出天然现代材料品牌THELí特展「flow on the edge在边缘流动」,由创意团体 4ac Design将与THELí材料相交映的自然素材重新置于日常行动的语境里,引领看向边缘上的、随机的流动形态。此次展览在设计共和与Septieme两个展区同时进行,Septieme空间的展出自6月29日正式开幕,将持续至7月14日。
The Entrance
The Main Room
The Light Room